Special Education Considerations

Special Education Considerations

According to John 9:2-4, "And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? [Yahushua] answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of [Elohim] should be made manifest in him" (King James Version). 

- According to IDEA 2004 legislation, students with disabilities are to be afforded a Free and Appropriate Public Education. This usually requires the public school system to provide special education services, which are detailed in an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan. These services are also extended to homeschooled students, and require the parent to collaborate with their local or intermediate school district should their child need additional educational supports to be successful. 

- An IEP is a written document which contains goals and services recommended for the learner who has a disability, in an effort for them to have academic success. 

- During the IEP process and beyond, parents are afforded many rights which include; examining all records, participating in meetings, ensuring FAPE and having an independent educational evaluation completed if desired. 

- This right is not only afforded to those who send their children to public or private educational institutions, homeschooling parents can participate in special educational services if they are necessary for their children.

- It should be noted however, this does require one to report to the Michigan Department of Education, and to collaborate with your local school district for your student to receive such services. 

Claxton, B. L. (2018). Planning, writing, and implementing IEPs: A Christian approach.       Dubuque, IA. Kendall Hunt. ISBN: 9781524952938.

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