Michigan Homeschooling Legislation

 Michigan Compiled Laws under MCL 380.1561

Parental Right to Homeschool

- Must be 18 or older with High School Diploma or GED

- If special education services are needed, the parent must hold a Bachelor's degree or higher

- No teaching permit, license or certification is necessary

- Parents incur all costs associated with homeschooling, no funding available for materials

Homeschooling Requirements

- Organized educational program

- Assignments, tests

- Report cards

- High School Diploma

- Academic transcripts

- Mathematics, Reading, English, Science, and Social Studies studied in all grades

- Civics and Government studied in grades 10, 11, and 12.

Reporting Process 

Homeschooling parents are not required to report their decision to their local school district or MDOE (voluntary) unless:

- the child needs special educational services

- the child was previously enrolled in a public school but has been withdrawn

Public School Services Available for   Homeschooled Children

- Access to special education services

- Access to standardized tests

- Access to nonelective coursework

- Athletics

- Work permits

- Meals 

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